I recently got interviewed by Michael Michelini who drive GlobalFromAsia.com . Like me, Michael has been in China and in Shenzhen for a decade and like me he also used to be involved in sourcing, procurement and manufacturing of different types of products which he was shipping and selling to the USA. Now he has turned his activity in creating interesting content which he gives for free on his blog.
Michael has a very interesting blog and podcast related to business in Asia where you can learn a lot of interesting things regarding China and Asia. He also organized yearly the Crossborder Summit related to e-commerce.
The podcast is separated in two parts. In this podcast, I discuss about how to keep an advanatage on factories, what are the mistake that most hardware start up make and many other things which you will probably enjoy to listen.
You can find the interview in the first podcast version here on his website : https://www.globalfromasia.com/factory-to-consumer-competition/
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